Pool Party for February for all SpartansWednesdays in February is the best time to get in the water. We have free lifeguard training going on after school every midweek afternoon. All students will have a swim unit this Spring, but while we wait or if you are eager to find work in the water--it is time for you to get a head start. There will be more training after February but this is the best time before the sun starts shining and everyone is in the pool (and may need a lifeguard for assistance). Check out daily announcements for detaisl.
Artist of the Week Casts a SpellIn the enchanted woods where fantasy meets reality, photographer AnayaRae Walker orchestrates a magical scene her model is Jalissa Solano Solis, an avid Harry Potter fan, andhe is holding a "magic" wand with a look of awe and wonder. Her eyes gleam with the excitement of a thousand adventures.
AnayaRae captures Jalissa in a moment of pure enchantment, The wand, held high, seems to pulsate with unseen power, while Jalissa's expression embodies the magic and mystery she holds dear. The photograph captures not just a scene but a story. The image is a testament to the bond between artist and muse, and the ability to bring one's imagination to life through the lens of a camera. It is a portrait of wonder, of dreams realized, and of the enchanting world that Jalissa carries with her. Car Club Revs UpEvery Wednesday the place to be is the front office at lunch time to be ready for the gearheads and car junkies that make up the school's car club. Everyone is invited to take part whether you are a car afficianado or just someone interested in learning more. The car club hopes to do some film viewing, some studying and ultimately some study trips to see what goes and how fast it takes to get there.
It's Your Move, SpartansWe are excited to celebrate the month of Financial Aid knowledge. It is fun now, and it pays off big time later. College advisor, Ms. Kayla is hosting puzzles and games that highlight and inform about ways to raise money to offset the costs of college. It all comes together on Thursday with our Financial Aid carnival that will be hosted at lunch. Learn while you earn
Time to ReportFriday February 7th is the last day to turn in work if you hope to have it considered for the upcoming progress reports that will be put to print on the following Tuesday. The stakes are high, as eligibility for athletics is determined by the most recent grading period. Don't sleep on this grade as it is a good reminder of where you stand midway through the quarter and a quarter of the way into the semester. And if you understood that sentence, we bet you are doing well in your math class at the least.
Making Music all Year RoundIn the words of choir director, Tom Salvatore, we now have a bumper sticker that tells the world what Emery High is all about. Look to spruce up your car this year with a message that will draw the attention and hopefully not cause accidents that tell people from the outside, something we already know namely that there is a pretty rocking band here and that they are in your town too. Proud of the work from semester one, and looking forward to more during semester two. A one and a two!
Dine in--Emery cafeteria dishes it up all monthEvery day is the best day in our school cafeteria. Offering free lunches to all (and free breakfasts too). You can see that our Ms. Parham and her skillful team make every meal one to remember. There are specials served too meaning there is no such thing as the same old thing at Emery. In addition, healthy snacks and grab and go fruit is always on the menu year round. We are lucky to have such a fine way to make meal teams good times at our school.
We LOVE Spirit WeeksEvery day is worth celebrating this time of year. Monday no matter your relationship status, we have an outfit made just for you. There are a week worth of dress up and spirit days and the only way you will be jilted is if you don't participate. We will send pictures, and you might see you right here.
Help is here around the clock and your timeEmery Unified is hoping to turn school support into a 24/7 proposition. We now have license with Tutor.com. Students can login through their clever account, go to the link for Tutor.com and then from there have many options, You can login right away and ask for a one on one tutor in any given subject--math, science, history and World Languages. Do you have an English paper you need a fresh set of eyes on? Submit it, and you will get an edited version within 24 hours. Set up an appointment with a favored tutor or explore subjects we don't even have at school. SAT prep and more. Log in and start learning.
Seniors helping SeniorsThe language of this generation is technology. The fact is though is we all live in a tech world. We can now have the students teach the teachers. We are looking for student volunteers willing and able to go to our senior center and help our elders to master the basics of the 21st century. Smart phones, speakers and iPads are all devices that may be familiar to our students but not their families. Let's bring it all together, and help bring your world to them.
Tutoring Now more than everWe are thrilled to be able to offer tutoring and office hour support three days a week at Emery High School. Students have Monday, Tuesday and Thursdays after school where they can work with their teachers and get one to one help, to retake tests and to solidify their notes. There is no invitation necessary. If you have the desire to find a great place to work, you've got it. We are ready for you.
Spring Sports Tryouts on their WayTrack and field is gearing up for a big spring. Softball is already conditioning and getting ready for the signal to start. This is also the season for rebirth and for Emery, the return of Boys Volleyball. We are looking for all interested students to be part of the Blue and Gold starting with Track tryouts on the field Wednesday February 12. Then on Thursday February 13 time to meet our newest Volleyball coach and plan for a week's worth of tryouts February 24-28. Still time to get in shape to play!
Everyone has a place at our BHM celebrationWe have a full and rich program ready for the end of February with a Black History celebration, we anticipate having artists, singers, dancers, the Emery High band! Poets, speakers and more. We invite everyone from K-12 to be here for the commemorative event and the best way to bring. Black History month to life for all of our community.
Building Career Skills at Rising SunWe had a great time at Oakland's Rising Sun academy where young adults and older ones recreate their pathway with work in the trades as a place to be. The Spartan upperclassmen got a chance to see the interns and new hires working in the classroom (doing math!) and in the field. And many of our students had a chance to do their own work, like those working on the saw. We loved the visit and for some students, maybe a glimpse at a career opportunity
Showtime. Seniors show movies for Valentine'sWe are inviting everyone to share the love this Thursday and Friday, either go alone, bring a close friend or because it is two nights, do both! We are turning the A Building into Cinema Spartan having back to back movie nights to raise funs and funds. Make sure you bring enough for popcorn and candy too. It wouldn't be the same without you, so even though the seniors are hosting, they want to welcome everyone to the big show, we mean shows!
Address1100 Steve Dain Drive
Emeryville, CA 94608 |