Login using your Student Google Account: [email protected] Google Password: (see your teacher for this information)
Students will be redirected to the class page with the option to join a new class by clicking the "+" icon at the top of the screen.
If it's your first time using Google Classroom, select your Google account when prompted, click the blue CONTINUE button, and then follow the on-screen instructions to proceed.
See below for step by step instructions with screenshots.
1. Log into Chrome with your student account. If you're a student using a shared computer, you may need to sign out of another student's account before signing into your own. Do this by clicking the name in the top right corner of Chrome, clicking "Switch Person", and selecting "Remove Person" from the drop-down menu in the top right corner of the user's picture.
3. Click the plus + at the top-right corner of the page. A menu will expand.
4. Click Join class on the menu. You'll be prompted to enter your class code
5. Enter your class code and click Join. You should have received a code from your teacher.
If you don't have your code on hand, check your school email. You can also contact your teacher or review
6. Review your class page. If your teacher has any information for you to look over, it will be listed here.
You can view upcoming assignments in the box that runs along the left side of the page.
By default, your page will open to the Stream tab, which is a compilation of posts from your teacher and other classmates.
Click the Classwork tab at the top of the page to view assignment details.
The People tab to the right of the "Classwork" tab displays a list of fellow students. This is helpful if you need to contact another classmate for a group assignment.
Click the three horizontal lines in the top left corner to open your classroom menu.